Ed’s Book “Guitar Music” with 5 pieces from “Night Birds” and 5 pieces from “Luna” along with both CDs for only $37.50 plus shipping/handling
Guitar Music Book contains transcription and musical notation for ten of Ed’s pieces from Luna and Night Birds.
- Includes:
- No. 11,
- Spike #2
- Lost Highway
- Si Bhig Si Mhor
- Night Birds
- Tennessee
- Red Mountain Serenade
- Postcard From Limbo
- Fog Trilogy
- Howl
Night Birds Includes ten pieces solo guitar, one duet. This recording won praise from critics, radio stations and guitar fans around the world, including the Boston Globe Critics’ Poll: Top Ten Albums of the Year.
- Duet
- Crow
- No.11
- Spike #2
- Lost Highway
- Si Bhig, Si Mhor
- No. 7
- The French Lady
- Suite
- Night Birds
Luna Chosen by Record Roundup as one of the “Top Ten Albums of the Year.” All digital recording, featuring nine new pieces and a beautiful new version of Ed’s popular piece “The Handing Down.”
- Tennessee
- Red Mountain Serenade
- Postcard from Limbo
- Fog Trilogy
- Blue Highway
- Luna
- Horses in the Rain
- Gearhat
- The Handing Down
- Howl
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