This year was a busy one and I traveled back to some of my very favorite places again. In the spring I returned to Japan for a short tour for Soft Edge, my Japanese record label. When I’m in Tokyo I always try to stop by a great guitar shop called Kurosawa to visit my friend Daisuke. There are usually some Weissenborns among the many vintage Martins and Gibsons, and I always end up spending at least an hour snooping around there.
I returned to Italy in August during the European heatwave. All the concerts were outdoors, and fortunately most of them started well after the sun went down. With sweat pouring off me twenty four hours a day, I still managed to gain weight. Two concerts were high in the mountains, in Pescasseroli and Opi where the evening temperatures dipped into the forties (Fº). It was beautiful there, and we heard wolves howling one night.
I spent three weeks this year teaching and had the best time ever. One week at National Guitar Workshop in the San Francisco area, One week at NGW in Connecticut and a week at Jorma Kaukonen’s Fur Peace Ranch. Teaching is an exhausting but very rewarding pursuit for me and I love it. I’m looking forward to another round of workshops in 2004. A lot of my traveling of late has taken me overseas , but I’m planning on touring a lot more in the states in the year to come. I hope you’ll come on out and say hello.
The following folks have been great friends to me and have made my job much easier and way more enjoyable. Thanks to Larry Dalton, Joe Barbieri and all at Fishman Transducers, D’Addario Strings, Al Williams at Calton Cases, Breedlove Guitar Co., Alessio Ambrosi, Tim Sullivan, Linnae Selinga and Kelli Bertram. Thanks to all of you who’ve come out to concerts and workshops, bought my records and books and generally supported my creative endeavors. I am grateful for your support. I hope to see you on the road somewhere.
Wishing you love and music,
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